Among several initiatives and platforms used to create and disseminate guidelines to users point of care is the MAGIC Authoring and Publication Platform (MAGICapp). MAGICapp is a web-based platform that allows digital and structured authoring, dissemination and dynamic updating of evidence summaries, recommendations and decision aids.
The PICO linked data model applied in MAGICapp breaks down the concept of a guideline document into discrete elements of content.
This way of digitally structuring data allows content to be published in multilayered and flexible formats, usable on all devices and facilitates adaptation and dynamic updating of individual recommendations in a living guideline model.
The linked data structure – combined with a coding module for annotating PICO questions and recommendations with terms from various structured terminologies and making the data available through an API – allows for connections (EHR, other platforms), re-use and sharing of data across the Ecosystem.