
April 21, 2024

Evidence Based Medicine and AI: A perfect fit?
Implications for health care policy and practice in Norway

We invite you to register for this exciting conference exploring Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a focus on implications for healthcare and policy in Norway.

The day will include keynote presentations from a range of distinguished speakers, including one of the founders of the EBM movement, Gordon Guyatt, panel discussions and a networking lunch.

The morning sessions will focus on the present and future of EBM, including how Norway is integrating EBM in education, policy and practice and developing trustworthy guidelines and local protocols for practice.

The afternoon session will focus on AI, including how it can be leveraged in healthcare and clinical practice as well as considering the legal and regulatory hurdles associated with its use in healthcare.

This event will be of interest to a wide range of clinicians, educators, researchers, policymakers and quality improvement professionals across Norway.

The speakers include: Gordon Guyatt, Thomas Agoritsas, Gro Jamtvedt, Lise Helsingen, Bjørn Hofmann, Per Olav Vandvik, and Kristian Foss.

The conference will take place on the 11th June 2024, 09.00 – 15.00 at Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus in Oslo. Presentations and discussion will be held in English. The cost of this event is 2000 NOK per person.

The full agenda and registration details are available here.

January 1, 2022

COVID-19: MAGIC making a difference and MAGICapp now available to develop Living Guidelines

The rapidly evolving evidence base for COVID-19 treatment and management presents a challenge to guidelines developers. MAGICapp enables the rapid update and dissemination of guidelines, with detailed version control to manage evolving content.

MAGIC is therefore committed to support organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic, as exemplified by the collaboration with the World Health Organisation – enhanced by the BMJ Rapid Recommendations - the Australian National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce - and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK.

These collaborations have resulted in trustworthy and living guidelines developed, published and dynamically updated through MAGICapp. The guidelines also build on living systematic reviews - including Living Network Meta-Analysis - and demonstrate the potential of a more trustworthy, efficient and integrated evidence ecosystem.

To further tackle the COVID-19 pandemic MAGIC is offering the MAGICapp platform at no charge to organizations that are unable to pay a license fee. Contact us to set up an account and immediately start developing and publishing your COVID-19 guidelines.

"This new guideline is the latest development in our ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has driven new collaborative and international ways of working, and by sharing high-quality evidence with our colleagues around the world in the MAGICapp platform we have been able to develop this guidance more quickly. Being able to identify and assess the latest global evidence in a platform like MAGICapp will also help us to more efficiently identify which guidance needs updating as we continue to support healthcare professionals caring for COVID-19 patients."

Professor Gillian Leng
NICE Chief Executive (2020-2022)